Termes et conditions
1.1 Ce sont les termes et conditions applicables aux ventes, ainsi que les conditions particulières, and to the use of Our Website.
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Dans ces conditions les mots et les expressions suivantes ont les significations suivantes:-
« Auction » signifie une vente aux enchères en ligne ( The public sale of movable goods organized by Big Bid Auctions Limited via the Internet );
« Offre » désigne toute offre d'achat d'un terrain (que ce soit dans le cadre d'une vente aux enchères ou tout autre type de vente);
“Bidder” means the user making a Bid;
“Buyer” means a user who buys a Lot;
“Catalogue” means our catalogue detailing Lots being sold;
“Contract” means a contract between a Buyer and us for the purchase of a Lot;
“Lots” means those items being offered for sale on our Online Auctions;
« Vente aux enchères en ligne » signifie une vente aux enchères pour l'achat d'un lot qui est effectué sur notre site Web;
“Our Website” means bigbidauctions.com;
« Conditions particulières » signifie des conditions particulières relatives à une vente qui figurent sur notre site ou dans le catalogue concerné;
“Seller” means the party who sells a Lot;
« Nous / nous » signifie bigbidauctions.com;
“You” means a user who Bids on or buys a Lot.
Big Bid Auctions Limited – Incorporated in Ireland under the registration Number 664685
Bureau d'inscription: Officepods Unité 1 , The Cranford Stllorgan Road D04X6H0, Dublin, Irlande
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5.1 Please note that we offer Lots for sale and conclude Contracts as agents on behalf of Sellers. We are not responsible for any action or default on the part of the Seller or Buyer.
5.2 Si vous offriez un mandat Lot Vous que vous êtes légalement capable de conclure des contrats et lier vous êtes au moins 18 ans.
5.3 It is deemed that you are bidding on Lots in your own behalf. The User Agreement cannot be transferred to another party. In the Register, the User provides his personal data to the Bidding Auctions and chooses his own password to access the Site.
Enchères en ligne
6.1 All Bids for Lots being sold must be made via Our Website. Your Bid constitutes an offer to buy a Lot subject to these terms and conditions and any applicable Special Conditions. All Bids are subject to acceptance and if We accept your Bid We will confirm such acceptance to You.
6.2 We reserve the right to refuse any Bid and shall be under no obligation to accept that the highest Bid for a Lot, and will be entitled to accept the whole or any part of any Bid.
6.3 We reserve the right of admission to all Auctions and Sales including admission to any sale room or premises, ou via notre site Web, and the conduct of Sales shall be at our sole discretion.
6.4 Buyers who Bid for Lots on Our Website will be identified by the User ID they have used to log in to Our Website.
6.5 Bids may be not withdrawn.
6.6 We reserve the right to fix a reserve purchase price on any Lot, and may withdraw, consolidate or divide any Lot at any time.
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6.8 Before bidding buyers are expected to carefully review all information available for the Lots, including all photographs and description, in order to make the best possible bid and purchase decision. If the buyer needs any additional information or explanation about any lot he should contact us in order to clarify all doubts.
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8.1 Sauf indication contraire dans les conditions particulières:
8.1.1 Les acheteurs seront responsables de la collecte et le retrait des lots achetés par eux et doivent fournir leur propre main-d'œuvre et de l'équipement pour effectuer un tel retrait. Retrait des lots est aux frais et risques de l'acheteur;
8.1.2 Un lot ou une partie de celui-ci peut être retirée avant le paiement est effectué en totalité pour elle, together with payment of all other amounts due from You to us.
8.1.3 no Lot shall be cleared without our authority, and no Lot shall be cleared unless We or our employees or agents are present.
8.1.4 removal of Lots shall take place only after full payment have been confirmed by us and according our release instructions
8.2 We may at our discretion require the payment of a deposit prior to and/or during the removal of any Lots, which will be refunded on such removal being completed to our satisfaction. If the Buyer refuses to deposit such monies, we may refuse the Buyer access to the relevant premises for the purposes of removing the Lot and/or to rescind the Sale without penalty.
8.3 All equipment used for lifting and transporting heavy items which have been purchased, including but not limited to fork lift trucks and other lifting devices, shall be fit for their purpose and for safe operation and covered by appropriate insurance and registration documents. This documentation may be required by Us for inspection and we may refuse permission for the Buyer to use any such devices which we consider not to comply with the foregoing requirements.
8.4 The Buyer hereby indemnifies us against and will make good any injury or damage to persons or property caused by it when handling Lots, and shall insure against this obligation and indemnity.
8.5 The Buyer shall have no right to anything not described on Our Website.
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8.9 It is expressly brought to your attention that, at the time of sale, any item, machinery or equipment contained in the Lot(s) may not necessarily comply with relevant Health and Safety or any other legislation governing the use of that machinery or equipment, and no warranty is given that any Lots will so comply. From the conclusion of the relevant Contract it is the Buyer’s responsibility to ensure that such Lots will be safe and that their use does not contravene any legislation.
8.10 Certain items included in Lot(s) could contain blue and white asbestos, dangerous chemicals, or other substances which if not handled correctly during their removal from the site could result in a breach of Health and Safety legislation or other relevant legislation. It is the Buyers responsibility to comply with this legislation from conclusion of the relevant Contract.
8.11 Buyers must ensure that any motor vehicles forming part of the Lots comply with all relevant Laws and Regulations and have all necessary permits, certificates and authorisations before being used and We do not warrant the accuracy of any recorded mileage on any motor vehicle forming part of the Lots.
8.12 The Buyer undertakes not to disclose or make available to any third party any unlicensed software loaded on any computer equipment forming part of Lots, or any part thereof. The Buyer further undertakes to erase any such unlicensed software at the earliest opportunity, and indemnifies Us and the Vendor from any liabilities arising out of the use of any unlicensed software loaded on any hard disc equipment forming part of Lots.
8.13 We do not make any warranty whatsoever in relation to computer hardware, software and/or equipment, all of which is bought at the Buyer’s own risk.
9.1 Title to the Lots shall only pass to the Buyer upon the latter of full payment for such Lot together with any other sums due from the Buyer to Us, and removal of the Lot in accordance with these terms and conditions.
9.2 The lots will be at the buyer’s risk from the moment of collection and the buyer will insure these risks at once. Under no circumstances will We or the Seller be liable if any Lot or part of it, if is stolen, damaged or destroyed after collection.
9.4 Prior to clearance of any Lots We or the Vendor may rescind the Contract for the sale of that Lot should any third party claim title to or possession of any part of the Lot.
9.5 If at any time before the collection of a lot we terminate the contract of sale, all the amounts paid by the buyer will be returned within 30 days without any penalty, indemnity or interest.
10.1 Sauf indication contraire dans les conditions particulières, the payment for the Lots, together with any other sums payable to Us by the Buyer, must be made in full within 5 days after the auction and in any case before clearance of the relevant Lots. The buyer must submit full payment, including any applicable taxes and fees to avoid late fees. Buyer must pay a Buyer Fee, based on the final winning bid value.
10.2 All prices specified by Us exclude VAT or other similar sales Taxes, which shall be payable in addition.
10.3 Where invoices or parts thereof are zero rated for VAT or other similar sale taxes because Lots are to be exported , the Buyer is responsible for providing all necessary documentation (for example, bills of lading, export documents, etc.) in order to justify the tax exemption.We and/or may ask You to provide evidence that Lots are being exported and shall determine whether such evidence is acceptable.
10.4 The final amount of the invoice sent to the buyer after the winning of a lot will be the result of the sum of the winning bid plus buyers fee and will include any applicable taxes.
11.1 We shall have the right to terminate any Contract where:
11.1.1 the payment of the purchase price or deposit of any Lot, or any other amount payable by the buyer to us, is not paid in accordance with these terms and conditions;
11.1.2 the removal of any Lot is not done in accordance with these terms and conditions;
11.1.3 the buyer violates any other of these terms and conditions;
11.1.4 the buyer has become insolvent or bankrupt
11.1.5 any third party claims and has the right or possession of any of the lots.
11.2 Upon termination of a contract by us or the supplier, the following provisions apply: –
11.2.1 the lots may be resold or disposed of by Us or the Supplier in any way we deem appropriate and at our sole discretion;
11.2.2 the defaulting buyer will be responsible for all losses and expenses incurred by us and / or the supplier, including the costs of storage, security and removal, the costs of resale or disposal of lots and respective fees.
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13.1.1 Please also note that You must comply with all applicable laws and regulations both of the Country from goods are being exported and of the country for which the Lots are destined, including but not limited to obtaining any licences or permissions required to export the Lots from the origin country or import the Lots at the destination country. We will not be liable for any breach by You of any such laws or regulations and You hereby indemnify us against any loss caused by your failure to abide by them
13.2 Tax and fees: –
13.2.1 All bids and offers for the lots are net of any taxes in connection with the purchase. In the event that any taxes relating to the purchase are applicable, the buyer is responsible for paying all such taxes, or for providing a valid certificate of exemption from those taxes.
13.2.2 Taxes are calculated and charged on lots sold based on the rates in force at the place where the lots are purchased.
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13.3.2 The amount payable will be subject to VAT at the legal rate of the place where the lot is purchased. The VAT amount will not be charged if the Buyer provides the necessary documentation to prove a VAT rate other than the standard VAT rate, (for example, 0% export tax or 0% supply tax) within the EU). The buyer must provide his VAT registration number.
13.3.3 For the avoidance of doubt, it is the buyer’s responsibility to make sure of any and all fees applicable to their purchase including VAT (or similar taxes) or all related obligations. For the purposes of these Terms, “VAT” means value added tax.
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17.1 We will not be liable or responsible for any failure to perform, or delay in performance of, any of our obligations under a Contract that is caused by events outside our reasonable control (“Force Majeure Event”).
17.2 A Force Majeure Event includes any act, event, non-happening, omission or accident beyond reasonable control and includes in particular (without limitation) the following:
17.2.1 strikes, lock-outs or other industrial action;
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18.3 No waiver by us r of any of these terms and conditions shall be effective unless it is expressly stated to be a waiver and is communicated to the buyer in accordance with clause 14 above.
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